Rough comparison of BASH and Kornshell

• BASH is much easier to set a prompt that displays the current directory. To do the same in Kornshell is hackish.
• Kornshell has associative arrays and BASH doesn’t. Now, the last time I used Associative arrays was… Let me think… Never.
• Kornshell handles loop syntax a bit better. You can usually set a value in a Kornshell loop and have it available after the loop.
• Bash handles getting exit codes from pipes in a cleaner way.
• Kornshell has the print command which is way better than the echo command.
• Bash has tab completions. In older versions
• Kornshell has the r history command that allows me to quickly rerun older commands.
• Kornshell has the syntax cd old new which replaces old with new in your directory and CDs over there. It’s convenient when you have are in a directory called /foo/bar/barfoo/one/bar/bar/foo/bar and you need to cd to /foo/bar/barfoo/two/bar/bar/foo/bar In Kornshell, you can simply do cd one two and be done with it. In BASH, you’d have to cd ../../../../../two/bar/bar/foo/bar.

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